Ed Wyatt

Almost Live!: Still Alive - Ed Wyatt | AlmostLiveStillAlive.com

Stanford University is one of the most prestigious colleges in the nation. Some of its alumni include a guy named Larry Page, who’s the founding CEO of Google. It’s true. You can look it up on Bing if you don’t believe me. Other famous graduates are Sigourney Weaver, Reese Witherspoon, Tiger Woods, Rachel Maddow, John Steinbeck, Ken Kesey, Senator Henry Jackson – and the people who founded PayPal and Netflix. But of all Stanford’s distinguished elite, only one of them climbed the lofty ladder to achieve a place of immortality on “Almost Live!” His name? Ed Wyatt.

Almost Live!: Still Alive - Ed Wyatt | AlmostLiveStillAlive.com

He grew up in Portland (Oregon) and got his Stanford degree in English… which is his first language. He taught that subject at Bellarmine Prep, a Jesuit school in Tacoma, while also doing a bit of coaching in football and basketball for the Bellarmine Lions. As you’ll hear, along the way, Ed started nosing around a fledgling local TV show called ‘Almost Live!’ Perhaps that topic will come up in the coming interview.

After his time at Almost Live!, for a while, Ed was the host of a Portland TV Magazine show. Then he moved to L.A. helping to start a new sports network: Fox Sports World, which brought him to eventually living in Australia. He’s been there for twenty years since, enjoying the down-under culture, food, people… and music. Australian. AC/DCINXS (In Excess)… Bee GeesOlivia Newton-John… and, of course, the immortal Rolf Harris… OK, maybe not that guy so much. Especially since Rolf Harris got into big career-ending trouble a few years ago. You can look it up for yourself on Google. Or Bing.

But back to Ed Wyatt – who is one of the finest people you’d ever meet. Today, he does everything – from sports reporting on basketball, soccer to baseball… and more. He is one of the best-known, most-celebrated sports media figures in all of Australia – one of the big deals there… on TV, radio, streaming, and print. He’s married to a native Australian named Michelle, and they have a son named Sam.

Living in a place for two decades, Ed long-ago lost his Pacific Northwest accent… if there is one. So note his Aussie brogue, as we catch up with him from his home in the coastal city of five million called Melbourne.